....9 weeks at a time.
That's what I've been doing since February 2, 2010.
I've rearranged vacations, social events and even sleep based on the cycle of the 9 week challenge.....
It's been an amazing 4+ years full of joy and transformation and I've met some of the very best people I know.
...they've all come in with a need. Some want to lose weight....some want to tone. Others need some cross-training and others just want to get off their treadmill and play with others....
Whatever they've needed- we've tried to be there.
There have been all sorts of people.... teachers and politicians...business owners and students. Each one bringing (and sharing) their own special story with me.
I encountered most for the first time in an uncomfortable place... half dressed in front of my camera, as we documented their starting point in the challenge. Many wouldn't look at me- some were at the point of tears... I tried to talk them through- I'd been there too, you know.
I've gained and lost 100's of pounds. I've quit smoking 20 times (the final time in 2007). I've had high pressured jobs and fights with loved ones. I've loved myself and been disgusted with myself.... and yes, I've stood in front of a camera, with the streaks of fresh tears on my face.....
And I think that's why they continued to come..... friends told friends... who told friends.
For four years I've had the most amazing men and women walk through the door. People who heard we were different and who wanted us to help them make a change.....
Some of them have become part of my team. They've learned to teach and coach...to become the voice that makes the light bulb go off and ultimately ignite a drive in someone that they never knew they had.....
Just last night, I was talking at the last challenge party. I mentioned something about winning. I was joking that I really wanted to be the "winningest coach" when deep down, I already knew I was....
I was reminded ever so gently by one of my challengers, who came in second.......
"The important part is you did win and so did I along with all others. My congratulations out to all of those who stayed in to make there lives better...."
He's so right..... I've been given the opportunity to enter the lives of hundred of people. I've met their spouses and children...some times their parents. I know their stories and their struggles... their heartaches and joy....they've become part of who I am.
Goals is changing. No more 9 week challenges. Last night was the final Final Party....
We're changing because too often the competition becomes the focus..... our goal is to help people change long term, not just from picture A to picture B.... and certainly not by the need to win.
We'll still coach and guide and push, but instead of dangling a bone short term, we're going to teach you how to pull up to the table forever.
I can't lie.... I'll miss that tear streaked face that will look at me 9 weeks later with confidence and sass and self love...the look of "I got this and I love who I've become"
.... I'll miss it more than you know
But I look forward to living the rest of my life with friends and members who are in it to win it