I've been away for a while, doing other things. I've written plenty, but focused my writing on things like workouts and nutrition manuals.
In the process of creating the business I wanted, I decided to let go of some of the good things that brought me to the health/fitness business in the first place.
I forgot how much I LOVED to hit a bag and the incredible high when I crawled in the car after my workout and fogged the windows up, simply by shutting the door. I forgot how I loved slipping on a dress...any dress, knowing it would look great. I forgot what it was like to be a little selfish and keep an hour each day for myself.
Now, please don't get me wrong....the last several years have been wonderful. I've met people that I would have never known and I've found a sense of purpose. I've felt overwhelming joy hundreds of times. I love what I do and...I'm good at what I do (whew! that was hard to say).
So tomorrow begins a new era at My Gym (that's the new name....do you like it?)
So tomorrow begins a new era at My Gym (that's the new name....do you like it?)
Tomorrow is the first day of our 5 Week Boot Camp. The workouts will be tough, but forgiving.
The meal plan is smart and easy and we're planning some outside workouts and gatherings to help you get to know us outside of the gym....
I'll be there sweating with the best of them...ok, truth is I'll be there dying with the newest of you, but if we're in it together, it won't seem so bad.
If you want to join me, show up around 8:30 to sign up
If you're already a member, the cost is $99. If you're new to My Gym, it's $179.
Classes, Nutrition, Coaching and Fun and a chance to kick my tail ;)
If you're not ready, you can follow my journey here or on FaceBook
Maybe you can join us next time :)
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