Monday, October 29, 2012

Do not disturb.......

I need a do not disturb sign for my brain....

Ugh! It was a long week.
I only lost 1 pound this week and it's my fault.....
No guessing at the causes~ I ate clean, but my back hurt all week so I backed off the intensity of my workouts and Jeff and I had too many "get caught up" conversations, that included some really nice wine, while Sam was out of town.
Proof positive that food alone will not fix me any more than exercise alone will fix me!!

On top of all of that, suddenly I CAN"T SLEEP!
I can always sleep! Always!
But for the last 4 nights, my internal clock has decided 2:15 is my time to wake up. Seriously? I'm a woman who has woken up (without an alarm clock) at 4:10 for the last 5 years.
Is it a sign?
Is my subconscious trying to tell me that I need an earlier class?
24 hour Goals in Motion??

So, what in the world do people do when they can't sleep??
I don't watch TV- it bums me out
I'd love to read- It's cold now & I don't want to get out of bed and I don't want to bother Jeff
I could write- See above

So, I lay there, in the dark.... writing in my head (be glad I don't turn on the light and actually write that stuff down) and thinking about the boys and marriage and money and the business.
Last night I was thinking about how busy we've all become and how most of us don't take the time to really talk or play games or write letters.
I got a handwritten card in the mail last week! It was soooooo nice!!
And just today, I had someone email to ask if they could come in and talk to me about Goals. We had a really nice conversation- so much better than we could have managed via email.

I've decided that maybe my problem is that my brain is busy.... too busy. Frequently, I'm on the computer long after the others have gone to bed and I'm working until I start to nod off.

So, in keeping with my 2 week tradition of trying something new each week (1-blogging, 2-"me time"), I've decided to plan bedtime. Yes, I'm planning bedtime!! I kind of feel like a kid!!!
And, because I can't seem to choose what to file away in my brain each night, I'm going to give myself time away from my "busy-ness" before bed. Tonight bedtime is scheduled for 11... Maybe I'll see if the guys want to play a game of cards or I'll start the book that's been gathering dust next to my bed......

Lights out.....

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Coming home.....

I worked out in Urbandale on Thursday with my friend Brandy. She's moving in November and
will be transferring her Goals Membership down there. I thought it would be good to go down with her and introduce her to everyone I know.
Traffic was terrible because of the rain and as usual I was on "Kim Time"! I walked in the door just 10 minutes before class and Brandy was there getting ready. She'd already met Toni and as I started wrapping up, my friend Mary came bopping around the corner!
"Hey!!! What a nice surprise!!" And instantly it felt like home...
We went in to the studio and pulled out a bag and continued to wrap up while talking about Brandy's schedule and where she was moving.
Music started, filling the room with a pulse I can't quite achieve in my studio and Toni started pushing. Soon after we started warm up, Mardi and Sandy arrived ~ they run on the same clock I do :)
I quickly introduced Brandy and we turned our attention to class.
We all worked out hard, cheering, pushing and responding to Toni's commands. Random high-fives and competitive hi-knees everywhere you turned! It was a blast! It's been a long time since I'd been there for a class.
I started my Goals in Motion challenge in August of 2009, in Johnston. I drove every morning from Ames and worked out at 5:15am. That location is closer to home and the class time got me back in time to get Sam ready for school and to get to work. Once I completed my challenge, I knew that I wanted my own studio. I quit my job and started training with Mardi and Sandy. My friends Angela, Buffy and Sheri travelled with me for the next 9 weeks as they challenged and learned more about the program. After the first of the year I moved to Urbandale 9:15 class to complete my training. I met more amazing people. I had coached and taught at another gym, but this was completely different. Step by step I learned the "Goals way"~ always supported by men and women who attended class with me.
Back in Ames I was working non stop to get the studio ready. Painting the walls, putting mats on the floor and shelving together. My "break" was drive time, my fun was workout and my family expanded to include the men and women at GIM in Des Moines.
My first challenge in Ames started in February of 2010. I had been teaching some introductory classes for a month and had my team in place. I was fortunate to have an amazing group of friends join me as I opened my doors to the public for the first time. Ames friends and Des Moines friends alike, they were all there at the front of the room, telling their stories and establishing the difference between us and the others. Goals in Motion is different because of the relationships we build and the friendships that develop. We don't just workout together, we learn about one another... We become family.
And now Goals in Motion Ames is more than 2 years old. I have my own studio and my own team. We established traditions and our own special feel. I hope that as people come and go and eventually return to visit they feel the way I did on Thursday.

I hope it always feels like home.....

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's OK to be selfish.....

.....because, when you don't take time for yourself, you wrong everyone in your path."
Wise words from a wise man....
My friend Trent and I were chatting last night on Facebook. I was just sitting down to dinner at 10pm, due to a late school board meeting and he was still patiently waiting for a city council meeting to finish. Elected official and newsman extraordinaire spending a little time talking about life.
Trent is a new coach for me and he is working with a great young man. He was filling me in on his progress.
As  the conversation progressed we exchanged questions about work and our lack of time to do the things we really love to do.

 "I would work out, read more, pray... if I could only find the time..."

     "I would get a massage.... read a book ...journal"

I shared that that was why I had decided to blog. I've wanted to journal for a long time but like most things in my life, it gets pushed aside when I get too busy

I'm finding it (blogging) pleasant when I'm motivated and maddening when I don't have something burning to talk about. In one short week I have become dependent on it as a way to let go and complete my day. I always put my thoughts down before I go to bed...frequently, I am tired, so I wait until I am thinking clearly the next day to polish and post.

"We all have the same 24 hours everyone else does....."

How does a person find balance and how do we nurture ourselves in the midst of a life moving at 100 miles per hour?
I discovered a few years ago that I was a better wife, mother and friend when I work out. I'm also a nicer person when I eat right and I'm at an "I feel good about myself" weight. I'm more thoughtful when I take time to read or to pray. So if I know these things, why do I allow exercise, healthy eating, reading and praying to be pushed aside??

I'm feeling like I've been caught up in a tornado and all of my responsibilities are spiraling around me. It's kind of overwhelming,  so today I picked up my planner and I crossed out ME time. My workouts are written in right next to my meetings and I've given myself 5 hours every Thursday to do what I'd like to do. I might read, sleep, get a manicure or go for a walk, who knows.... I might write.
I'm kind of excited!

But, remember.... it's my time~ so don't call !!

I'll let you know how it goes!

  • Tuesday, October 23, 2012

    Thankful for the wisdom of those who have traveled this road before me.....

    I am a thankful person by nature- a glass half full kind of girl, if you will. And for some reason there have been several situations in the last few days that have made me think about those who have paved the way for me to be successful and to live a better life.

    Posts like this have to start with your parents, you know....good or bad...where would you be without them?
    I was blessed to be born to an amazing woman. She is silently strong and care-taking to a fault. She has taught me to be loving and accepting. My children have experienced me, as a mother, as I tried to glorify her. I ALWAYS knew I was loved, even when I messed up (Once or twice, right mom??) and I always tried to be fair. Donna continues to be that woman today- strong and graceful- loved by everyone she meets.
    I have two dads. One who is responsible for my existence and one who is responsible for the woman I have become.
    Garry, my first dad gave me my eyes, my quick temper and my ability to trust my gut. He could read people like no other. We had a falling out of sorts 15 years ago and we hadn't spoken much, but I still felt his influence as I made choices in my life. I lost him earlier this year.... hopefully he is watching over me and be proud of the way I choose my friends and trust my heart.
    Ron, is the man who welcomed me into his life when I was a snotty know-it-all teenager. I was ALL over the place~ confused about who I was and who I thought I wanted to be. He allowed my mom to hold him back when I'm sure all he wanted to do was throw me out of the house. Then and now, he loves me unconditionally, as though I was his own. He is the one most responsible for my glass half full frame of mind.... he finds the good in everyone he meets.

    So where does a person go from there? Who has made an impact and who has sculpted you into the person you have become?

    I've had coaches who have lifted me up and made me a feel like a champion. Friends who have comforted me and advised me wisely. Lovers who have made me feel beautiful. Mentors who have helped me follow my dreams.......

    ...I have my husband, Jeff, who pushes me to be better every day. Through his love, he has made me a strong business person and a clearer, stronger woman.

    ... I have my children. Both boys would tell you they are stronger, better and infinitely wiser than I am!! They would share that I USED to be the tickle champion, but now I don't have a chance. They would tell you I USED to be the homework whiz, but now I don't even know what the rational purpose of  (x+y/z)*2=5 is. And hopefully they would tell you that once upon a time I was the best mommy they could ask for. I always wonder if I gave them enough and my question is always answered with a "pick-me-up, squeeze me hard" hug I get at the end of Sam's day or every time Zach comes home. Zach has become a good man and Sam is following in his footsteps. They have made me a better woman...made me look at life in a different light and they have given me every reason to believe in tomorrow.

    So, why share all of this with you?
    I've told you about some of the amazing people in my life, because I think it's important to know that when I touch you, when I care for you and when I truly make you part of my world, it's because someone else paved the way. I am the woman I am because of so many influences. Mom made me a listener, the kids made me believe and you.... you made me realize how much goodness there is in the world. You made me realize that I can make a difference. I can make someone feel strong and beautiful and hopefully, someday I can give someone the same opportunities that have been given to me.

    Go out and be thankful.....

    Monday, October 22, 2012

    and here we are again............. friend Monday. It's kind of cool how everything starts fresh again every Monday.
    I answered journals throughout the day yesterday and I have to say I'm pretty happy. Weddings, marathons and trips back home happened and for the most part everyone held it together!! My own weekend was pretty good~ a couple glasses of wine and an extra surprise latte, but otherwise on track.
    There were certainly success stories, but the reoccurring theme throughout the journals was "I'll do better next week". Why is it we always wait to start over. Why can't we simply acknowledge a goof and start over right now? I hear it all the time- heck I say it! I'll start over tomorrow, Monday, next month...... What in the world is wrong with right now?? Whether it's a treat or a cheat or an oops or an all out massacre, I'd encourage you to start over again, right away. Not only will your body thank you for following a sugar-splurge with some decent protein, your conscious will thank you for not blowing another day.

    Weekends are hard because there is no true schedule and if you're like I am, you're trying to fit as much as you can in to two short days. Cooking is done, laundry washed and folded and I'm ready to hit it hard again in this morning. Yes.... I too fall into the Monday trap. But for me, it's really not about restarting, it's more about hope~ as in I hope for once this week will go as planned!!

    This week is a busy one for me. Fortunately, Jeff has night time work plans and Sam will be heading to Indiana for an FFA convention.
    Weeks like this, although busy, can be easy!! I'll have soup and salads most meals, roasted meats and veggies or fruit for snacks and oatmeal for breakfast. The guys won't be around so I don't have to worry about mixing it up in the kitchen! They don't like leftovers and I could eat the same thing most days. I cooked yesterday afternoon so technically, I'm done for the week!!

    Despite my schedule, I'm counting on a good weight loss week! I lost 4 last week. I'm pretty happy because my goal is 2-3. Most people lose a little extra in their initial weeks of the challenge for several reasons: 1- we plan our food 2- we workout a little more consistently 3- we drink water 4- we shove our bad habits in the closet. I know this, but I'm still happy! I feel better too. There's nothing better than Day 4 or 5 of exercise re-commitment, when the sore eases a little and you know you're body's along for the ride!!
    I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I have a warm vacation in my future, so I'm going to focus even harder next week. I'd love to see another 4 worked off by next Saturday! I have my workouts planned. I'm going to email my coach as soon as I post this and I'm going to get my beauty sleep all week. I'm making a promise to myself to get in 20K steps each day and workout at least 5 times (one of them Zumba~ I'm sure I'll have something to say about that one!!).

    Monday's here again....what will you do about it?


    Sunday, October 21, 2012

    On my high horse.........


    I spend most Sunday mornings right here at my computer. I wake up at my normal weekday time, make coffee and sit down to write to the challengers in the Goals in Motion program. It's my time in a quiet house to reflect on things that I've read, recipes I'd like to try and my own health and fitness journey.
    Every once in a while I'll get a question from someone that ignites me! I'll jump on my high horse and fire out an email blasting the things I dislike most!

    The most recent "stir me up" question was:

    "How do you feel about fat burners and pre-workout drinks to help me get to my goal faster?"

    AAAAUGH!!! was what I wanted to say, instead I replied "I don't like them."

    That was nice, right? And I continued...

    "I've learned over the last few years how well my body responds to the right food at the right time. Carbohydrates when I need fuel, protein when I need to recover and fat when I need to feel full.
    My typical day looks like this.....
    30 minutes after waking- Pre-workout~ 1/3 cup Kashi go-lean, 2 oz. 2% milk and 1 banana. I cup hot green tea
    ASAP after class- Breakfast~ 1 egg, 3 whites, 1 TBS. sharp cheddar, sandwich thin & 1/2 cup fruit OR
    1/2 cup cooked oatmeal, 1/4 cup cooked quinoa, scoop vanilla protein powder and 1/2 cup blueberries. Sometimes coffee
    Snack~ 1/2 cup 0% plain Greek yogurt, 1 TBS. 4% fruited yogurt called Noosa (I don't do artificial sweeteners and this is low in sugar. It also has an amazing silky texture that enhances the Greek. We've converted several people from candy-shop yogurts to Greek with just a Tablespoon!!) and 1/2 cup assorted berries
    Lunch~ 2 cups veggies stir fried in 1 TBS. olive oil with 1/2 cup cooked grains and 4 oz. leftover lean meat
    Snack~ 3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese, 1+ cups raw veggies (carrots, pea pods, peppers, green beans)
    Dinner~ Lean protein and veggies in some form or another (Fajitas with out a shell, taco salads without chips, soups, stir fry, or simply roasted or grilled meats and veggies) and a healthy fat to keep me full longer (diced avocado, cashews in the stir fry, etc.)
    I'd encourage you to try eating similarly and see how fast you progress towards your goals...."

    The reply came back faster than I could get up and fill my glass with water.

    "I don't have time to work at it that hard and I really perform better with these products."

    AAAAAAUUUUUUGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Can I jump through the computer, please??
    I jumped back up on my trusty stallion, took a calming breath and composed another response:

    "It's true that it takes a little more time when you first begin, but it really does become an easy, sustainable way of life. Every time I cook, I cook extra and I rely on my crockpot a lot! I always have something cooked or cut up and ready to go. There are times when my snack is simply a piece of chicken breast and an apple. It doesn't have to be hard and it doesn't always require a fork!!

    As far as the supplements go, I think you should give my way a try. You have to remember some of the best athletes in history performed before the creation of shake-it-up & swallow-it-down concoctions. Use fruit and green tea in place of pre-workouts. Use hard work and good food in place of fat burners. This way is safe, this way makes sense and this way can work for the rest of your life."

    Ok, so now you're all thinking I'm not very nice and I don't appreciate the questions. NOT TRUE!!!
    I love the questions. My problem is with the quick fix society that we live in. Take a pill, shake up a powder, I even saw 'get healthy without getting up off the couch'!! Really!!!
    Before I started eating right and exercising I tried everything. I cut out carbs. I cut out fat. I took magic potions and fat burning pills. I even ate cabbage soup every meal for a week.
    And did I lose weight? Yep every time. Did I keep it off? Not once. And I was crabby and tired and unable to keep up with the day to day activities in my life.
    Who needs that?
    Work hard, eat clean. Fuel the fire when it needs to burn and nourish it when you're done.
    Simple. Effective. Life long.

    Next question?? My horse is ready!!



    Friday, October 19, 2012

    Call me crazy.....

    ......but yesterday I realized I love to workout!!

    I know that shouldn't seem like a shock.... after all, I run a fitness studio. I really thought I'd lost my love for exercise, but thankfully I'm pretty sure I was wrong.

    I started out life loving it~ I grew up in a time when we were forced to play outside or sit and watch bad soaps on TV after school. X-box and iPads didn't exist. Mom enrolled me in swim lessons and that grew into a 12 year love affair. I wanted nothing else! I practiced before and after school and traveled to swim meets every weekend. My friends were swimmers. My moms friends were swimmer's moms. My first boyfriend was a swimmer.
    But then tragedy struck.... I got burnt out. I realized all of the things I missed because I was always swimming. I wanted to be in choir and get a job and hang out with my friends on a Friday night. There were no long goodbyes....I walked away quickly, never looking back.

    I didn't exercise again until I was in my late 30's. But this time it wasn't for love, it was out of necessity. I hated myself. I hated the body that seemed to betray me every chance it could. I was out of breath, I was frequently sick and I was overweight. I felt ugly.
    How did I get there? Who knows.... I worked long hours and when I came home I sat. I had 2 beautiful babies and used the "this is the one time in your life it's ok to be big" excuse. I dieted and had no energy. blah, blah, blah......
    However, one day after a particularly miserable shopping experience, I decided I had to do something. I cried all the way home from the mall. When I got home I made a call. I signed up for an expensive class, knowing if I wasted the money and didn't follow through my husband would be mad at me. As soon as I hung up, I drove down and paid for it. There! Done! Now I would exercise!

    Day 1 sucked, but hey. my most recent day 1 (Monday) did too! Day 2 was a little better~ at least I knew some people in the room. Day 3 I felt like I knew what I was doing and..... Day 4 I fell in love!!

    I continued working out and eventually realized I loved it so much that I wanted it to be my life. I quit my job, trained and opened my own studio! The busy-ness of it all wore on me over time and eventually I started making excuses. I slipped in to a period where, even though I loved my job and the people who came through the door, I wanted to be somewhere else during the hours I wasn't scheduled. I missed my family. I missed having free time! I was burnt out. Again, there were no long goodbyes...

    Which brings me to today.... or rather yesterday. Yesterday, I struggled. I wanted to listen to my body. I wanted to go home. And then I realized that it was just like before~ my body was trying to betray me. Sore arms, sore legs and crazy pain in my back. It's like it was saying "you're really done this time~ you're too old, give up". But I worked out.

    I didn't do it because I wanted to, I did it because I'd told you and every person at the studio and all of my friends that I was going to reach my goal weight by December 10. I can't do that if I don't move and I know myself well enough to know more than one unexcused day off spells disaster for me. I started slowly on the bag- Kaylen was a very patient partner :) and within about 20 minutes, my back loosened up and my body felt good.

    Tammy pushed.... the music blared.... the room was full of some of my favorite people and it happened.....I won the battle with my body and I beat down the words of self doubt in my head and.....

     I fell in love! 

    and it feels good :)

    Wednesday, October 17, 2012 I learned my lesson.

    I woke up this morning with back pain so amazing that I had to think to take a step.
    I know exactly when it happened- it was in the middle of my second kickboxing class and we were down on the floor doing rowboats. I felt the twinge on the way up and the pop on the way down. Of course at the time, I thought nothing of it, just another "thing" I was going to have to get used to.... I am getting older, right??

    Not so much.
    Ice, Advil and a day with no workout seems to have me headed in the right direction. I hate that my body doesn't want to keep up with my brain. It loosened up as I jogged a short way with a couple of challengers and it held up during my own testing  when I did sit-ups with the group.

    My testing is complete, except for the mile~ I'll take care of that tomorrow.

    My weight goal is 145 and it's certainly going to take some tightening up but it's doable.
    My body comp goal is to drop 5%.
    I reached 19.5", so that has plenty of room for improvement
    I managed 63 sit-ups in a minute- my goal is 80
    I modified my push ups because I'm still doing PT on my right hand, but I got through 73. Not sure what the goal is except to get my hand & wrist back in working condition so I can get back up on my toes.

    After make-up testing tonight, we sat in a big circle and talked about food.
    Eat clean...carbs and protein and good fats.
    Water, water, water!!
    If you have a habit, work out of it. A can of soda today, becomes a half next week and then becomes a special occasion thing. Same with pizza, lattes, pasta and chocolate.

    But what I tried to get across, to this challenge group, is that you have to live. You have to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries and perfect weeks!! Celebrate them with a treat (not a cheat and certainly not every day). Eat right all day/week long so you're not starving at any time. When you reach your treat time...plan for it and then ENJOY it.

    It's much easier to make long-lasting lifestyle changes if you commit to eat right, workout as hard as you can and treat once in a while!

    Heck who knows what will fall apart next?? I'm getting old, (not really but I'm sure it made someone feel good), so I have to take care of my body with good clean food, proper ratios and exercise. Lots of water and a treat now and then!!

    Put your eating house in order so if you have a day when your body fails you, you have backup plan in the fridge!

    Good night!

    Tuesday, October 16, 2012

    I could scratch your back ......

    ...if you could help me stand up....

    Yep, here we are. Day 2 of a 9 week challenge and I'm sore. Sore enough that I can't wrap my arms around my body far enough to scratch my own back!

    It was a good day! I taught a group of awesome people at 4:55 and then got my own workout in at 6. I stopped in at 8:45 to make sure everything was ok and ended up being sucked into my first back-to-back workout in a long time! Taught again at noon and had a blast!

    Then the pain settled in and yes, I'm sore.... my biceps and triceps are screaming at me and my lower back would like to find a new home. But I had a good time. It was the first time in forever that I wanted to workout- I mean REALLY workout. It didn't seem to matter that I'd already kickboxed, I felt like doing it again. I landed in the middle of some fun people in a class full of great people and it just worked.

    But now, at 10pm,  my (ultra young) 44 year old body is yelling at me and it's making me cranky. Is there any good reason why it doesn't get easier? Is there any good reason why I should EVER quit again? The answer to both is no. I'll trudge forward, dealing with the soreness until I reach my goal and figure out how to make it the lifestyle change life and how to make exercise fit every day,  because that is what we do, right?

    Here's to goals and what ever it takes to get there..... Hard workouts, good food and faith that I can acheive what I want..... oh, and don't forget friends to scratch your back.

    Monday, October 15, 2012


    I'm good at holding people accountable, but I'm an expert at living under the radar.
    Maybe I'm here, maybe not. Yep, you probably saw me but was I working or working out?

    I sent a copy of my food plan to my coaches and challengers yesterday so they would have a simple example. I like to make it easy, so why not share what works for me.
    I didn't think to take out my workouts and teaching schedule. I included them for Kaylen so she would know my day and be able to check up on me, but little did I know how many of you pay attention to the details..............

    I didn't sleep well last night. I had about 2 hours in me when the alarm went off and I knew better than to believe that I could function for the whole day on hopes and dreams (especially when I'm giving up my routine caffeine fix for 9 weeks), so I texted Kaylen and changed my plans to get my workout in this afternoon.

    I had no less than 10 people check in with me because I wasn't around when I was supposed to be and I had 6 more follow up this afternoon to make sure I made it to class at 4:30pm. 3 people check in on my food and 4 ask me if I had my plan ready for tomorrow...........
    Day 1 and 23 people keeping track of my goals...........
    How awesome is that??

    Sunday, October 14, 2012


    I'm so ready for tomorrow to arrive. I've had a good day today and taken care of all of my prep work, but there's just something about Monday, you know?
    My challengers have responded with some really great plans. I've submitted my food to Kaylen for the next 2 days and planned my workouts for the week.
    I'm ready. I'm really ready this time.
    The first time I "challenged" was with a different program. It was 2007 and  I was screaming towards my 40th birthday. I was a recent ex-smoker and heavy..... I hated who I had become. My challenge results were good, inches- not pounds and a good start towards cardio health.
    My next challenge was for a purpose. I had coached and taught for a couple of years and knew that I could make a difference in other people's lives. I heard about Goals in Motion and wanted one of my own. I had something to learn and something to prove. It was for me but it wasn't, you know??? It was for my long term well being but the focus was on a new career, not necessarily my life.
    So, here I am..... two and a half years into the most amazing ride. I've met fabulous people, found best friends and good health. I've also battled frustration as we've made changes at home and changes in my thinking. I've learned to see the world of fitness through many different lenses and I've watched people grow and blossom before my eyes more often than I've watched people throw their hands in the air and give up.
    I've also learned that I'm not a very good juggler!! I can be an amazing business woman or a great coach or a good friend or a wife/mother/housekeeper!!
    That brings me to today, or rather tomorrow. Yes, Monday. My Monday. The day that is the beginning of my time. Chicken, oatmeal, rice, sweet potatoes, plans, goals and dresses. Planners, schedules and notes...... All bought, prepped and ready to push me towards my goals.......
    Here we go.
    Bring on Monday

    Saturday, October 13, 2012

    I eat well.....

    ....90% of the time.

    It would be hard for you to have a munchie moment in my house.
    Cupboards are full of whole grains, beans and spices. You might find a cracker or two, but
    that’s about as bad as it gets. The fridge is full of eggs, meat and fresh fruit and veggies.

    So what my problem? I’m busy and the first thing to go is my workout.

    I know better, after all I spend my life coaching others.
    I’ve been lucky enough to watch some complete transformations. I’ve coached people
    through changes that have allowed them to get off medications, reverse disease and conquer bucket list activities!

    I know I can’t exercise my way out of a crappy diet, but I also know I can’t diet my way to a beautiful body.

    My answer? Goals in Motion 9 week Challenge. I know it works~ I completed my first challenge in December 2009 and I’ve led people through several more over the last 2.5 years.

    I stepped on the scale today, my food plan is in the works and my coach, Kaylen, has assured me she can be stern!

    The goal is to reach my long term weight goal of 145 by my 45th birthday in December.
    Starting tomorrow, I’ll share my food, my workouts, my successes and my frustrations.

    Here we go…….