Monday, October 22, 2012

and here we are again............. friend Monday. It's kind of cool how everything starts fresh again every Monday.
I answered journals throughout the day yesterday and I have to say I'm pretty happy. Weddings, marathons and trips back home happened and for the most part everyone held it together!! My own weekend was pretty good~ a couple glasses of wine and an extra surprise latte, but otherwise on track.
There were certainly success stories, but the reoccurring theme throughout the journals was "I'll do better next week". Why is it we always wait to start over. Why can't we simply acknowledge a goof and start over right now? I hear it all the time- heck I say it! I'll start over tomorrow, Monday, next month...... What in the world is wrong with right now?? Whether it's a treat or a cheat or an oops or an all out massacre, I'd encourage you to start over again, right away. Not only will your body thank you for following a sugar-splurge with some decent protein, your conscious will thank you for not blowing another day.

Weekends are hard because there is no true schedule and if you're like I am, you're trying to fit as much as you can in to two short days. Cooking is done, laundry washed and folded and I'm ready to hit it hard again in this morning. Yes.... I too fall into the Monday trap. But for me, it's really not about restarting, it's more about hope~ as in I hope for once this week will go as planned!!

This week is a busy one for me. Fortunately, Jeff has night time work plans and Sam will be heading to Indiana for an FFA convention.
Weeks like this, although busy, can be easy!! I'll have soup and salads most meals, roasted meats and veggies or fruit for snacks and oatmeal for breakfast. The guys won't be around so I don't have to worry about mixing it up in the kitchen! They don't like leftovers and I could eat the same thing most days. I cooked yesterday afternoon so technically, I'm done for the week!!

Despite my schedule, I'm counting on a good weight loss week! I lost 4 last week. I'm pretty happy because my goal is 2-3. Most people lose a little extra in their initial weeks of the challenge for several reasons: 1- we plan our food 2- we workout a little more consistently 3- we drink water 4- we shove our bad habits in the closet. I know this, but I'm still happy! I feel better too. There's nothing better than Day 4 or 5 of exercise re-commitment, when the sore eases a little and you know you're body's along for the ride!!
I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I have a warm vacation in my future, so I'm going to focus even harder next week. I'd love to see another 4 worked off by next Saturday! I have my workouts planned. I'm going to email my coach as soon as I post this and I'm going to get my beauty sleep all week. I'm making a promise to myself to get in 20K steps each day and workout at least 5 times (one of them Zumba~ I'm sure I'll have something to say about that one!!).

Monday's here again....what will you do about it?


1 comment:

  1. Zumba once a week is also a goal if mine for this challenge. We had fun last night! Looking forward to shaking it with you!!!
