Wise words from a wise man....
My friend Trent and I were chatting last night on Facebook. I was just sitting down to dinner at 10pm, due to a late school board meeting and he was still patiently waiting for a city council meeting to finish. Elected official and newsman extraordinaire spending a little time talking about life.
Trent is a new coach for me and he is working with a great young man. He was filling me in on his progress.
As the conversation progressed we exchanged questions about work and our lack of time to do the things we really love to do.
"I would work out, read more, pray... if I could only find the time..."
"I would get a massage.... read a book ...journal"
I shared that that was why I had decided to blog. I've wanted to journal for a long time but like most things in my life, it gets pushed aside when I get too busy
I'm finding it (blogging) pleasant when I'm motivated and maddening when I don't have something burning to talk about. In one short week I have become dependent on it as a way to let go and complete my day. I always put my thoughts down before I go to bed...frequently, I am tired, so I wait until I am thinking clearly the next day to polish and post.
"We all have the same 24 hours everyone else does....."
How does a person find balance and how do we nurture ourselves in the midst of a life moving at 100 miles per hour?
I discovered a few years ago that I was a better wife, mother and friend when I work out. I'm also a nicer person when I eat right and I'm at an "I feel good about myself" weight. I'm more thoughtful when I take time to read or to pray. So if I know these things, why do I allow exercise, healthy eating, reading and praying to be pushed aside??
I'm feeling like I've been caught up in a tornado and all of my responsibilities are spiraling around me. It's kind of overwhelming, so today I picked up my planner and I crossed out ME time. My workouts are written in right next to my meetings and I've given myself 5 hours every Thursday to do what I'd like to do. I might read, sleep, get a manicure or go for a walk, who knows.... I might write.
I'm kind of excited!
But, remember.... it's my time~ so don't call !!
I'll let you know how it goes!
Kim - I saw your blog through facebook and I knew that you would have an infinite amount of wisdom here to share - and I was right! Wow! THANK YOU for doing this blog... YOU were the woman that picked me up and made me beleive that I deserved to feel good about myself back in college when you were my Coach at Farrells. I have had many coaches since that just don't light a fire inside me like you seem to do. I have been up and down and all over the place with my weight since you were my coach, but I'm happy to report that I'm down 34 pounds, and in what I feel like is ALMOST the best shape of my life. I have a LONG way to go to get to where I want to be, but I have just been really struggling with motivation, accountability, and inspiration to keep plugging away at this what seems to be a never ending "to-do" on my to-do list. I really appreciate your inspiration to keep going and keep plugging away, because I am worth it!!! Even though "being healthy" is hard, being fat and miserable is harder. Thanks for reminding me of that. You go girl - keep on rockin it! You are such an inspiration! I wish I wouldn't have ever had to move away from you! Take care!